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WU Qunfang


University of Science and Technology Beijing

Professor of the Department of Public Administration, the School of Humanities and Social Science


B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in School of Government, Peking University


2006 Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration, the School of Humanities and Social Science

2012 Professor of the Department of Public Administration, the School of Humanities and Social Science


Interest Expression and Policy Input

Governance Transition


Held Program of Chinese National Social Science Foundation (Income Gap and Government Control in Transitional China), Humanities and Social Science Planning Project of the Ministry of Education of China (Researches on Orderly Interest Expression Channels of Citizens in the Context of Frequent Mass Incidents ), the Fundamental Scientific Research for Outstanding Young Talents Training Funds for the Central Universities and other projects.


Published more than 30 monographs, translated books and textbooks.

Wu, Qunfang. (2011). The interest expression and distribution:Income Gap and Government Control in Transitional China, China Social Press

Wu, Qunfang., & Guan, Haiting. (2006). Gradual Transcendence:The adjustment and deepening of the transformation mode of China and Russia, Peking University Press

Wu, Qunfang. (2014). Public Policy and Public Economy, China Personnel Publication

Guan, Haiting., & Wu, Qunfang. (2007). The Road of Ruling and Rejuvenating the Country:The Challenge of Ruling the Communist Party of China, Sino-Culture Press

Ning, Sao., & Wu, Qunfang. Etc. (2006). Case Studies in Public Policy, Higher Education Press

Matthews, Chris. (2010). Hardball: How Politics is Played Told by One Who Knows the Game. (Wu Qunfang & Lin Meng, Trans.). Xinghua Publishing House.

Linden, Russell. M. (2013). Seamless Government A Practical Guide To Re-Engineering in the Public Sector. (Wu Qunfang & Wang Dahai, Trans.). China Renmin University Press.

She has published over 40 papers in Teaching and Research, Academic Research and other journals and won the second prize of Excellent Achievements of Philosophy and Social Science of Beijing and other scientific research rewards.


Public Administrative Studies

Public Policy Studies

Policy Analysis

Held the USTB Graduate Education Development Fund Project and the USTB Fine Undergraduate Quality Curriculum Construction Project.


2009 A talent in One Hundred Project of Beijing Social Science Talents in New Century

National MPA Outstanding Teaching Management Worker

“Companion Mentor - My Favorite Mentor” of University of Science and Technology Beijing Award

The Best Teacher for Me Award for professional courses of “I Love My Teachers in USTB” for four times

USTB Advanced Individual of Teachers Morality Award

Top Ten Young Post Expert Award